Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Passing Scotland

We passed the Shetland Islands Monday evening and someone started the
rumor that you could see the Shetland ponies on the shore. Even if they
were, we weren't that close. During the night, we hit the Prime Meridian
(0°) and headed south, then back west toward Belfast. In the morning the
ship was shrouded in dense fog and we could see nothing. About 11:00 the
fog lifted and we saw land on both sides of the ship. We were passing
through Pentland Firth, a fairly narrow channel with the Scottish
highlands to our port side and the Orkney Islands to the starboard. We're
going to continue southwest past Scotland and the Outer Hebrides and down
to the North Channel of the Irish Sea to the Irish island, arriving
Wednesday night/ Thursday morning ready for our last liberty.


  1. Your verbal descriptions are wonderful and evocative - wish you could add photos, but your words do well. Thanks for blogging and the cross posting now.

  2. Thanks for the all the details. What an education I'm getting.
