Monday, April 20, 2009

Damn the pirates

The Pittsburgh Pirates that is.

The major topic of conversation in my life since I announced my cruise is "aren't you scared of pirates?". I have to educate the listener that the current incidents of piracy are occurring off Somalia, some 10, 000 miles from where I will be sailing. Of course even the Staten Island Ferry is susceptible to piracy, but the chances are mighty slim in the waters that I will be sailing. Unless the current economic crisis drives the Scandinavians back to their viking roots, I think that I will be safe. I am sure though that anti-piracy training will be a new addition to this year's cruise along with the other mandatory safety training exercises.
By the way, the pirate in the pic isn't me as many have commented on. It is Patchy the Pirate, SpongeBob's #1 fan!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting ready

5 1/2 weeks to go. Got the itinerary, but it is confidential for security reasons until we arrive at each port. I can say we are going to an island in the Atlantic, an island in the Mediterranian, and 2 northern European countries. We're also going to cross the Arctic circle which will be the 2nd time for me. When you cross the Arctic for the 1st time, you become a member of the Order of the Blue Nose. We should be in the Arctic and Nortern Europe near the summer solstice. It is very disconcerting to have almost 24 hours of daylight. Better than the winter of perpetual darkness.

I'm still waiting for my dock security papers from Homeland Security. This is a new wrinkle this year. The world has changed considerably since 9/11. I'm gathering my supplies and uniforms. Khaki is the color when I'm on duty.