Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hot, hot, hot!

 Since the Captain decided to stay in the Med for an extra few days, we've been sailing in extremely warm waters, about 85 degrees.  Because the ship derives its cooling from the water around us, the air conditioning has not been working very
well.  My cabin and the library are tolerable, but the halls of the ship are like a sauna. Hopefully, when we reach the cooler waters of the Atlantic, things will improve.  One thing that may contradict this is that we are expecting to bunker
(take on fuel) in Gibraltar on the way out of the Med. This fuel is stored in tanks directly below the library and is so thick that it has to be heated to 150 degrees to flow.  Despite an insulated floor, much of this heat rises into the library. 
On other cruises, it has gotten so hot, that I've had to shut the library because it was unhealthy to work there.  We will see.

 We are expecting to dock in Cadiz, Spain sometime Tuesday evening the 21st. This is the last port of the cruise. I am looking forward to explore the city which is supposed to be the oldest continually occupied city in western Europe.  I am going
on a side trip to Seville, about 40 miles away on Thursday. This should be an enjoyable port.  After that, it's 2+ weeks of solid work until we arrive home.

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