sea. Ship life can be routine and downright boring between ports. The
endless ocean views are nice to look at once in a while, but can get
tedious quickly. Whale or dolphin watching? Forget about it. I could
look for hours without seeing any. They only seem to pop up when I'm not
looking for them and then quickly disappear. There's no TV, newspapers
and only some shortwave radio to connect me to the outside world, mostly
in languages I can't understand. The world could be blowing up and we
wouldn't know until we docked.
My library is below the water line so I can't see anything for long
periods of time any way. But there is peace in the boredom. It is very
relaxing to just read or contemplate existence (very profound of me,
By the way, the line is from the great play/movie (OK TV series), "Mr.
yes rich, very profound, you should have just let us think it was your thought. who would know, anyone ever hear of that tv series mr. roberts? i mean i knew mr. rogers but not mr. roberts.