I'm back. It's been a busy 6 months since I've been back on land working at my real job at the Nassau Community College Library. I taught two sections of the 3 credit Library-101 course last semester and will teach two more for the Spring on top of my full time assignments. Lots of extra work.
But the good news is that it looks like I'll be at sea again this summer on the old Empire State VI. I've been asked to do the second leg of this year's newly extended cruise. Maritime now has so many students that they have to split the annual cruise into two 45 day segments to fit them all on the ship. From what I've gathered, half the 2nd and 3rd class cadets will be on alternate legs of the journey. First class cadets will do the whole 3 months. I will probably be flying to meet the ship in Europe sometime in late June and sailing back with them to NY the first week of August. The ports are not yet set, but it appears that this year is going to be an all Mediterranean cruise. I can't wait.
Rich Delbango